prof. AMU dr. hab. Agnieszka Jelewska
Powiązane zasoby
The paper is a presentation of our research focused on the ecological disaster caused by the explosion of the nuclear power plant...
The Spectrality of Nuclear Catastrophe: The Case of Chernobyl (A. Jelewska, M. Krawczak)
The article discusses the use of the proprietary spectrocartography research method...
Spectrograms of the environment: entangled human and nonhuman histories (A. Jelewska, M. Krawczak)
The chapter reflects on the impact of video and video art from the 1960s on contemporary art forms a cultural paradigm of dynamic reality.
Video-Remediations: From Transmission Medium to Data Landscape. Three Phases of Video-Remediations (A. Jelewska, M. Krawczak)
Most of the phenomena described in this book have arisen as a result of various crises, disasters, threats, and forms of violence...
Postcollectivity. Situated Knowledge and Practice (A. Jelewska, M. Krawczak, J. Reid [eds.])
(English) The book Ecotopias registers and analyzes the moment when important changes were taking place in the area of contemporary culture...
(English) Ekotopie. Ekspansja technokultury (A. Jelewska)
studium, w którym podjęto próbę ponownego zdefiniowania pojęć nauki, sztuki i filozofii poprzez wyłonienie ich z sieci wzajemnych powiązań
Sensorium. Eseje o sztuce i technologii (A. Jelewska)
(English) Human experience is being ever more visibly expanded by sensual, perceptual and cognitive aspects...
Post-technological Experiences. Art-Science-Culture
‘After Agency’ is a provocation. It seems that agency might be in trouble...
After Agency. Resistance. Adaptation. Speculation
celem projektu jest integracja badań wywodzących się z myśli humanistycznej i dyskursów środowiskowych oraz nowych praktyk artystycznych...
Mediated environments. New Practices in Humanities and Transdisciplinary Research
Pokazane na wystawie prace mieszczą się w ramach tak zwanej cyberekologii.
Transnature is Here
złoty medal na 13 Prague Quadrennial of Performance Design and Space 2015
Prezentowane na wystawie prace tworzą rodzaj stopniowalnej narracji o końcu ludzkiej sprawczości i maszynowej interpretacji kultury
Post_Human Data
Postdigital collective memory is co-created between human and nonhuman beings and technological media...
Postdigital Collective Memory: Media Practices Against Total Design (A. Jelewska)
techno-imaginations are designed within the nuclear regime as a tool to neutralize responsibility for military violence
Techno-Imaginations of a Nuclear Regime. How a Power Plant Became a Proxy Bomb (A. Jelewska, M. Krawczak)
This book is a collection of texts dedicated to the changes taking place in many areas of Polish art of the past few decades...
Art and Technology in Poland. From Cybercommunism to the Culture of Makers (ed. A. Jelewska)