dr Michał Krawczak
Przepraszamy, ten wpis jest dostępny tylko w języku English.
Powiązane zasoby
The paper is a presentation of our research focused on the ecological disaster caused by the explosion of the nuclear power plant...
The Spectrality of Nuclear Catastrophe: The Case of Chernobyl (A. Jelewska, M. Krawczak)
The article discusses the use of the proprietary spectrocartography research method...
Spectrograms of the environment: entangled human and nonhuman histories (A. Jelewska, M. Krawczak)
The chapter reflects on the impact of video and video art from the 1960s on contemporary art forms a cultural paradigm of dynamic reality.
Video-Remediations: From Transmission Medium to Data Landscape. Three Phases of Video-Remediations (A. Jelewska, M. Krawczak)
Most of the phenomena described in this book have arisen as a result of various crises, disasters, threats, and forms of violence...
Postcollectivity. Situated Knowledge and Practice (A. Jelewska, M. Krawczak, J. Reid [eds.])
Na autobiografię Mariny Abramović można spojrzeć jak na dynamiczny, płynny i otwarty ikonostas.
Ikona. Eseje o sztuce Mariny Abramović (M. Krawczak)
(English) Human experience is being ever more visibly expanded by sensual, perceptual and cognitive aspects...
Post-technological Experiences. Art-Science-Culture
‘After Agency’ is a provocation. It seems that agency might be in trouble...
After Agency. Resistance. Adaptation. Speculation
celem projektu jest integracja badań wywodzących się z myśli humanistycznej i dyskursów środowiskowych oraz nowych praktyk artystycznych...
Mediated environments. New Practices in Humanities and Transdisciplinary Research
Pokazane na wystawie prace mieszczą się w ramach tak zwanej cyberekologii.
Transnature is Here
złoty medal na 13 Prague Quadrennial of Performance Design and Space 2015
Prezentowane na wystawie prace tworzą rodzaj stopniowalnej narracji o końcu ludzkiej sprawczości i maszynowej interpretacji kultury
Post_Human Data
The article analyses the methods of postdigital pedagogy based on critical media design (CMD)...
Counter-Mapping with Sounds in the Practices of Postdigital Pedagogy (M. Krawczak)
techno-imaginations are designed within the nuclear regime as a tool to neutralize responsibility for military violence
Techno-Imaginations of a Nuclear Regime. How a Power Plant Became a Proxy Bomb (A. Jelewska, M. Krawczak)
The book is a record of the research processes and practices carried out at the ntersection of art, science and technology...
Post-technological Experiences. Art-Science-Culture (ed. M. Krawczak)