Sensorium. Eseje o sztuce i technologii (A. Jelewska)

Sensorium is a collection of essays addressing trans-disciplinary relations between the arts, science, philosophy and human experience. Not only does the book reconstruct genology and the meaning of the notion of ‘sensorium’ in scholarly discourse, but it extends them with new, contemporary ways of perceiving the senses or technological tools. It analyses, among others, the significance for the humanities of phenomena such as kinesthetics, affectation, microperception or bionic algorithms. The book fuses ideas from the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari, Brian Massumi, Bruno Latour as well as of Descartes and Benedict de Spinoza with scientific and artistic experiments by the Bauhaus, Vsevolod Meyerhold, Roy Ascott, Billy Klüver, Kevin Warwick, tied also with the most recent concepts from the fields of perception theory, neurobiology, cybernetics, artificial intelligence, biomimetics, etc. As a consequence, it projects a multidisciplinary research perspective that merges within a network structure with the dynamics of a data transfer from various realms of science, technology and the arts.


prof. AMU dr. hab. Agnieszka Jelewska