Video-Remediations: From Transmission Medium to Data Landscape. Three Phases of Video-Remediations (A. Jelewska, M. Krawczak)

The chapter reflects on the impact of video and video art from the 1960s on contemporary art forms a cultural paradigm of dynamic reality. Originally, the video format was remediating the reality of TV and film production and initiating a democratization of the medium, till the 1990s and further, when video, we argue, started a revolution that emancipated digital devices after which they themselves became a part of a digital world in which we live in. From then on remediations happen not only within the media, but also on a deeper, interconnected levels of digital reality. If one cannot talk about mediations without remediations, then every mediation is always already remediating the mediated world.

,,Video-Remediations: From Transmission Medium to Data Landscape. Three Phases of Video Remediations”, in: Remediation: Crossing Disursive Boundaries. Central European Perspective, ed. B. Suwara, M. Pisarski, ISSN 2195-1845, ISBN 978-3-631-79504-0, Peter Lang – Veda, Berlin 2019, pp. 113-127.

prof. UAM dr. hab. Agnieszka Jelewska
dr Michał Krawczak