dr Miłosz Markiewicz
Miłosz Markiewicz. PhD, Assistant Professor in the Department of Theatre and Media Art, and member of the Humanities /Art /Technology Research Center (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland).
He has participated in seminars abroad, studying with Rosi Braidotti, Eva Hayward, Natasha Myers, and Patricia MacCormack, among others. Co-author of the Polish translation of Bernard Stiegler and the Internation Collective’s book “Bifurcate: There Is No Alternative” (Polish title: “Konieczna bifurkacja”, Katowice 2023, with M. Krzykawski, K. Lebek). A member of the online magazine “Czas Kultury” editorial board, previously associated with the editorial board of “The Polish Journal of Aesthetics”. His research interests include: the ethics and aesthetics of posthumanism, the discourse of the Anthropocene, contributive practices of knowledge, technological inequalities, and the archaeology of peripheral technological practices (with a particular focus on Internet access in Poland). He is a member of the International Association of Art Critics (AICA), the Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences (AESS), the European Network for Cinema and Media Studies (NECS), and the International Committee for the History of Technology (ICOHTEC).
Contact: milosz.markiewicz@amu.edu.pl