dr Aleksandra Kosior (Binicewicz)

Aleksandra Kosior (Binicewicz) is an assistant professor at the Institute of Cultural Studies at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań.

As a cultural studies scholar fascinated by technoscientific development and its impact on social reality, she devoted her doctoral dissertation to the topic of privacy in the world of new technologies. The work received a distinction in the 14th edition of the National Center for Culture competition for the best doctoral thesis in the field of cultural studies. In 2021, it was published under the title “Privacy in the World of New Technologies. Asymmetry of Transparency” by Universitas Publishing House.

Currently, in her research work, she focuses on issues related to new technologies and culture: the development of artificial intelligence (AI), reflection on technologically saturated places (such as Silicon Valley), the circulation of user data in cyberspace, education in the field of new technologies, experimental methods of cultural research.

She is a member of the HAT Research Centre, as well as the Regional Cultural Observatory (ROK UAM), the Polish Society for Media Education and international expert networks: Surveillance Studies Network and ENCATC.

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Contact: aleksandra.kosior@amu.edu.pl